Cowes Week Socials 2024

​Check out the poster for all the details about our socials at Cowes Week.

Socials are open to members and guests.

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 11-Jul-2024 By Zoe Whittaker in
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Visitor Race 2024

Annual Visitor Race 2024 saw 11 visitors take part, racing for the McKay Painting.

Sapristi was busy two trips over to Haslar Clive joined me for the first trip all crews chatting away. Second trip Frank and Angela joined Sapristi to help run the racing.

After dropping the second load of people off at Haslar Sapristi mad her way out to the race area.

With the wind in the north west but deciding it wasn’t going to stay constant but we decided the first beat will be to PSC after laying a starting mark. Once Sapristi had her anchor down Phame with Max on board joined us on Sapristi.

Course decision was changed a couple of times before the race as we wanted to make sure we could shorten.

Course:- Strt:- Sapristi-laid mark. PSC {P} Linnington (P) through gate X 4 PSC (P) Suffolk Sails to finish.

Ready for the start on time. Ok the visiting helms decided they wanted to get course side before the starting gun yes we do have boats over the line on race days but not so we can’t read the numbers about five boats over no idea who they were so general recall first time that I can remember. Set up start again. Asking all helms to behave and keep the right side of the line. Start gun goes good boys and girls except for one Z54 trying his luck not going to get away with it.

Round one in the lead Z75 with Eilidh McIntyre at the helm crewed by Scam and Jed In 27mins 01seconds 2nd Z78 with Jim Downing at the helm crewed Adam Mayor-Bowler and Zoe. 3rd Z74 Helmed by Ross Partridge crewed by Duncan and Adrian Second round decision had to be made to shorten the course or change of course. Decision made shorten course so as the leader went round Linington for the last time sound signal made to shorten and VHF call to let the sailors know so they can decide which way to go up the last beat. Nearing the finish who is going to cross the line first need to be right on the line very close Eilidh have you thrown it away after being 38 seconds in front of Jim Downing.

After racing there was a prize giving, with a supper of pizza and cake at PSC.

Results as they crossed the line:-

1st. Z75. Eilidh McIntrye 54 mins 39 sec

2nd. Z78. Jim Downing 54mins 42 sec

3rd. Z74. Ross Partridge 56min 10sec

4th. Z80. Dave White 56min 37sec

5th. Z54. Danny Murphy 58mins 22 sec. OCS

6th. Z70. Matt Alred. 59mins 37sec

7th. Z71. Jamie Benthen 1hr 03min 41sec

8th. Z77. Graeme Findlay. 1hr 03min 50sec

9th. Z48 Diggory Ross. 1hr 03min 52sec

10th Z79 Jim Wicks. 1hr 04min 05sec

11th. Z53. Ian Campbell. 1hr 13min 25sec

Thank you Clive. Frank. Angela and Max for helping with OOD Duties.

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 03-Jul-2024 By Zoe Whittaker in
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Victory Class 90th Anniversary Eastern Solent Weekend (28 - 30 June 2024)

As part of their 90th Anniversary celebrations, the Class held a regatta that saw the Class visit Seaview and Bembridge. Over the weekend, five races were conducted, accompanied by two social gatherings; a total of 8 boats took part. The Class has a long history with Bembridge, particularly since Victory Class boats evolved from Bembridge One Designs. The Class would like to thank Jeremy Spencer-Cooper and Mike Samuelson of the East Wight Combined Clubs for their invaluable assistance in organizing the event.

The article about the weekend was also published on Yachts and Yachting website: Victory Class 90th Anniversary Eastern Solent Weekend (

Six Victorys raced over to Seaview on Friday afternoon in quite bouncy conditions. First to finish on the SVYC line was Zilch (Z75) helmed by John Scammell; second was Zelia (Z54 - Geoff Dixon) and third was Zada (Z79 - Nick Benham). Z48 Isabel helmed by Jim Downing tacked early only to find himself rather close to the swimmers on Seaview beach! Subsequently they were joined by Zircon (67 - James Jopling) and on Saturday morning by Seagull (Z73 - Jim Page). After a very jovial informal supper at SVYC on Friday evening, crews met up on the staging mid morning on Saturday and as planned had a relatively short one round race around the SVYC buoys.

Victory Start 1 Saturday -

Looking completely in control, and making their spinnaker work well on the run to the leeward mark, Zilch (Z75) was the first to cross the finish line ahead of Zada (Z79) second and Zelia (Z54) third. With the fickle SSE’erly breeze coming and going, the third race was essentially a passage race to Under Tyne - a challenging beat as it turned out.

After a tight start close to the inner distance mark. it was soon evident that the front three were going to be the same boats (in the same order) as the previous race.

The final race of the day was another ‘round the cans’ race, making use of Tara as the windward mark, Fitzwilliam as the wing and Britten as the leeward mark; set three times round with the requirement to go through the line to complete each round. After a clean start (just) it was again Zilch (Z75), Zada (Z79) and Zelia (Z54) who lead the fleet as they located the correct buoys in unfamiliar waters.

Victory Start Race 4 Saturday -

Although the front group seemed to make light work of the fickle breeze, the bottom few boats struggled to stem the increasingly strengthening tide taking boats, against their wishes, back to Seaview. Indeed Dolphin (Z9) realised that they were on a looser so sensibly decided to retire and use their outboard to help them to the overnight moorings at Under Tyne. As the leaders had already taken an hour and a half as they came to complete the second round, the third round was abandoned and the S Flag (shorten course) was displayed.

After an excellent bbq at BSC on Saturday evening, it had been agreed that crews would meet at BSC the following morning at 10:15 to be ferried out to the Under Tyne moorings with the aim of the passage race back to Portsmouth starting at 11:00 so as to be off Seaview at 11:30 when the Red Arrows were doing a display over Ryde Sands. In the event it took a couple of boats a bit longer to rig but with the breeze holding and despite the very biased line, the seven Victory’s (Zada Z79 having returned the previous late afternoon) and although it was a beat all the way, good progress was made and they were treated to their own display overhead! Also a timely reminder for some of how far out Ryde Sands stretches! Self finishing off Suffolk Sails, the front three boats were Z48 - Isabel; Z54 - Zelia and Z70 – Unity who finished within three minutes of each other after a two hour race.

A fun weekend which it is hoped can be repeated again soon. Its been too long since the Victorys were regular visitors to the Eastern Solent.

The final results for the weekend were:

1. Z75 - Zilch

2. Z54 - Zelia

3. Z79 - Zada

4. Z48 - Isabel

5. Z70 - Unity

6. Z9 - Dolphin

7. Z67 - Zircon

8. Z73 - Seagull

Additional photos:

Words by Mike Samuelson

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90th Weekend to Seaview and Bembridge

The passage race weekend will take place from Friday 28 June to Sunday 30 June.

This is one of the key events to celebrate our 90th year, the weekend will consist of up to 5 races and 2 socials. The formal one of the socials will take place on Saturday 29 June at Bembridge Sailing Club. This event is open to all Class Members, past and present. Plus members from Portsmouth Sailing Club.

See the timetable for the weekend below

The poster contains all the detail, any questions please contact Matt Salt (Class Captain) on 07931252465.

The NoR for the weekend can be found on the EWCC website here

There is a general Q&A sheet on the website here - this list is not exhaustive, so if you have other questions please speak to Matt, who can update the list

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 06-Jun-2024 By Zoe Whittaker in Sailing & racing
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Key Dates for 2024

Key Dates for 2024

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 26-Apr-2024 By Zoe Whittaker in Sailing & racing
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Season Opener 2024

The details of the season opener are here!

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 20-Mar-2024 By Zoe Whittaker in Social
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Z81 - a brand new Victory fit for the Class’s 90th year!

Commission a brand new Victory, Z81. Built by David Heritage in Cowes.

Join the Class in a brand new GRP Victory. Built to the Class’s exact technical requirements and low maintenance.

Prices from £30, 667 + VAT. Price includes:

  • Hull and deck, keel, internal moulding, bulkheads and rudder fitted to boat
  • Metal work and fitting (backstay, chainplates, tiller shoe, top plate and mast step)
  • Fibreglass seats
  • Painted cockpit coaming with teak trim
  • Plastic rubbing streak
  • Bulkhead hatches
  • Floorboards to fit internal moulding
  • Tiller

Additional options are available to customise her to your specific specification.

For more information please contact David Heritage Racing Yachts in Cowes

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 18-Dec-2023 By Zoe Whittaker in For sale
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2024 Save the Dates!

2024 is a big year for the Class as we shall be celebrating our 90th Anniversary. To make the most of the year we have released a set of key dates for your diary’s

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Victory Class 90th Celebrations

Save the date!

2024 is the 90th anniversary of the Victory Class and we are hosting a very special prizegiving…

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 22-Aug-2023 By Zoe Whittaker in Social
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Race Report - Tuesday 4th July - 2023 Visitors Race

2023 Visitors Race

Class Captain, Matt Salt, has organised a massive turnout for the visitors race but unfortunately couldn’t organise sunshine and champagne sailing…

Possibly the wettest race of the season (so far!)...a wet front came in at 1800 just as crews, helms and visitors were getting ready to go racing, this rain was soaking everything in sight and penetrating through all waterproofs, even the trusty MPX weren’t safe!

…. Fourteen Victories were forecast to race but two dropped out (Z76 and Z53), leaving a whopper turnout of twelve on the start line! With the wind and rain coming from the West, the course was set with a laid mark and Sapristi forming the start - KB p - Linington p - Gate KB p - Linginton p - PSC s - Finish at Suffolk Sails.

After a ten minute postponement to wait for the visitor on Z69, Tokyo 2020(+1) Olympian Eilidh McIntyre, the fleet got off to a fairly fast start with Z70 and Z74 leading the fleet. Z70 rounded the windward mark in first place and trundled off with their spinnaker to Linington.

The spring tide was pushing the fleet North and into the harbour entrance with boat passing between the nav aids before the wind swiftly died whilst everyone struggled to make it through the gate. Unfortunately Z67 was pushed into the channel and had to retire, Z68 promptly retired due to the soggy windless conditions. Z78 was wondering if the fleet would make it home in time for pizzas… ! Somehow Z74 kept moving and made it through the gate first (not before two squeaky tacks!), Z69 followed and then Z80, Z77 and Z75.

After a lot of bobbing and shivering - apparently it was July but temperatures felt like December - the wind filled in a smidgen and the remaining Victories crept towards KB. Thankfully Maxine on RIB Phame was on the water which allowed the course to be shortened and finished at KB.

The results were-

1st Z74 - Ross Partridge

2nd Z77 - Chris Fluett

3rd Z69 - Eilidh McIntyre

4th Z75 Oliver George Taylor

5th Z80 Dick Batt

6th Z78 Morgan Allan

7th Z54 Ben Holloway

8th Z73 Colin Church

9th Z70 Ben McInnes

Z67 RET - Neil O’Leary

Z68 RET - Ryan Deane

Z9 RET - Neil Millerchip & Stuart Evans

The OODs on Sapristi were Liz Ballard, Sid Dollery, Mike Ellison, Harry O’Leary and visitor Sarah O’Leary, plus rib support Maxine Reeves. The soggy sailors returned to Portsmouth Sailing Club and feasted on pizzas, cupcakes and beer.

Thank you to all the Victory owners for taking out a visitor and thank you to all the visitors for enduring a very very soggy race. We hope to have you back for future races, I can assure you we usually order sunshine !

See you on the water,

Zoe, Z78

Zoe Whittaker’s avatar 06-Jul-2023 By Zoe Whittaker in Sailing & racing
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