Annual Visitor Race 2024 saw 11 visitors take part, racing for the McKay Painting.

Sapristi was busy two trips over to Haslar Clive joined me for the first trip all crews chatting away. Second trip Frank and Angela joined Sapristi to help run the racing.
After dropping the second load of people off at Haslar Sapristi mad her way out to the race area.
With the wind in the north west but deciding it wasn’t going to stay constant but we decided the first beat will be to PSC after laying a starting mark. Once Sapristi had her anchor down Phame with Max on board joined us on Sapristi.
Course decision was changed a couple of times before the race as we wanted to make sure we could shorten.
Course:- Strt:- Sapristi-laid mark. PSC {P} Linnington (P) through gate X 4 PSC (P) Suffolk Sails to finish.
Ready for the start on time. Ok the visiting helms decided they wanted to get course side before the starting gun yes we do have boats over the line on race days but not so we can’t read the numbers about five boats over no idea who they were so general recall first time that I can remember. Set up start again. Asking all helms to behave and keep the right side of the line. Start gun goes good boys and girls except for one Z54 trying his luck not going to get away with it.
Round one in the lead Z75 with Eilidh McIntyre at the helm crewed by Scam and Jed In 27mins 01seconds 2nd Z78 with Jim Downing at the helm crewed Adam Mayor-Bowler and Zoe. 3rd Z74 Helmed by Ross Partridge crewed by Duncan and Adrian Second round decision had to be made to shorten the course or change of course. Decision made shorten course so as the leader went round Linington for the last time sound signal made to shorten and VHF call to let the sailors know so they can decide which way to go up the last beat. Nearing the finish who is going to cross the line first need to be right on the line very close Eilidh have you thrown it away after being 38 seconds in front of Jim Downing.
After racing there was a prize giving, with a supper of pizza and cake at PSC.
Results as they crossed the line:-
1st. Z75. Eilidh McIntrye 54 mins 39 sec
2nd. Z78. Jim Downing 54mins 42 sec
3rd. Z74. Ross Partridge 56min 10sec
4th. Z80. Dave White 56min 37sec
5th. Z54. Danny Murphy 58mins 22 sec. OCS
6th. Z70. Matt Alred. 59mins 37sec
7th. Z71. Jamie Benthen 1hr 03min 41sec
8th. Z77. Graeme Findlay. 1hr 03min 50sec
9th. Z48 Diggory Ross. 1hr 03min 52sec
10th Z79 Jim Wicks. 1hr 04min 05sec
11th. Z53. Ian Campbell. 1hr 13min 25sec
Thank you Clive. Frank. Angela and Max for helping with OOD Duties.