5 boats started - Z53, Z54, Z68, Z70 and Z75.

The wind prediction was light, Force 2/3 but from NW so variable conditions were expected. Picking

a suitable course in these conditions was difficult but the Gate Boat (Z54) set a possible one, giving

reasonable beats, starting at a Gleeds and using Suffolk Sails as the windward mark –

GL Start, SS(S), GL(P), SS(S), GL(P) and SS(S) Finnish.

All boats started within the specified 2 mins after gate opening at approximately1410 with Z75 being

the last to cross the gate. The first beat resulted in Z75 rounding SS first and she remained in that

position for the rest of race. Z54 followed closely along with the remaining boats. Z53 was in her

usual mid-to-rear of the fleet position. Wind shifts up to 70 0 were recorded by the Chimet Archives

(302 0 to 011 0 @ 1520) during the ensuing race causing the fleet to become scattered over the race

track and during one leg Z53 spent about 15 minutes in a pocket of no or very little wind (2.2Kt. @

1615). During one leg in was even noticed that we were about 100 yards away from another boat

on the same course but on a different tack! Due to the tides Z53 decided to keep to the east of the

course and during the final leg and managed to finish second when some reasonable wind kicked in,

but a long way from Z75 in first place.

The final positions for this challenging race were –

Z75, Z53, Z54, Z68 and Z70.

All boats finished within the allotted time.



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