The first race of this series only saw two boats on the start line, Z75 and Z54 fought their way around a long course to Mother Bank and back to finish only a few boat lengths apart. So it was very gratifying to see a further 5 boats making their way out of the harbour to join the two of us for the second race of the series this past Saturday. Z73, Z53, Z68, Z48 and Z76 also made their way out to KB racing mark, where Z54 was ready to set a course. Saturday racers are always keen to get as many boats as possible out to race, and the start was delayed to allow Z76 to overcome some mechanical issues and get to the start line.

A 'short sausage'

The breeze was fickle, and hence ambitious plans to cross the east going tide to a mark on the island shore had to be modified to stay a little closer to home. No harm in putting Stokes Bay East in as the first mark however, to provide a challenging beat around Gilkicker against the tide, followed by Linington – BT – Suffolk Sails, and a ‘short sausage’ to PSC and back if time allowed.

It has to be said that the gate boat had a small advantage, as its port tack run took it in out of the east going tide towards the Haslar wall. There was a general trend to start through the gate as late as possible to compensate, taken almost to extremes (or disaster) by Z75 crossing the line with only 5 seconds of gate left. Z73 also recognised the need to get quickly to the beach, tacking and following the gate boat’s line almost immediately.

In on the beach at Fort Monckton to dodge the east going and get around the Gilkicker corner. Z54 initially holding and opening a lead over Z75 followed by Z68 representing the ‘Petersfield Massive’. You had to get it right however, and the fleet was already starting to spread as the tacks kept coming. You also have to get the corner right, there is a time to come just that little bit further off the beach and aim to just lay the corner, ideally with a bit of help from a bow across the tide. Z75 got that one right, and took the lead from 54 as we cleared the point, with 68, 73, 53, 76 and 48 strung out behind. The leading pair pulled away from the pack, aided by the fluctuating breeze as the SW and SE components fought it out. Z75 in control and first around SBE with 54 close behind, and downwind with the tide helping to further spread the fleet at the tidal gate. 68 next around, 73 and 53 close together and 76 and 48 bringing up the rear but at least with someone to fight with.

As we headed east the breeze died further. Keeping spinnakers flying was tricky, did you go high and hope for breeze later or stay low. Z54 pushed a little further south above the line to Linington, and was eventually rewarded as the breeze built again and swung towards the South, allowing her to power over Z75. At Linington Z54 had the lead again, and started the slow beat back towards the Haslar wall in control, although still with 75 only some half a dozen lengths to leeward. Behind us the fleet largely maintained their positions as they followed.

It wasn’t over yet. Once the wall was reached there were shifts to work with as you dodged the tide again up to BT. How far to go in, or out? Z75 making good progress took the lead back. Tacking off the north corner of Monckton for the mark she looked good with several lengths in hand, It was also 15:55 by now, and the shortened course was called to finish at Suffolk Sails. No short sausage today…

It still wasn’t over yet! 54 squeezed closer to the beach and caught a lift as the two leaders pushed out across the tide to the starboard rounding of BT. Timing was critical, at the mark 54 was on the buoy on Starboard, 75 on port had nowhere to go and had to tack off, and 54 was around first by a couple of lengths. Kites up, run down the wall, nothing to do but keep moving. It wasn’t over until it was over, at the line 54 had maintained her lead by about a boat length over 75. Behind us the rest of the fleet no doubt had their own stories to tell, Z68, Z73,Z53, Z76 and Z48 followed to finish what had turned out to be a challenging race in the conditions, despite the sunshine!

Great to see so many boats racing, hope you are all there next week, and there is always room for more….!

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