The first race after Cowes Week, who would turn up? It was an invitingly fresh south westerly 15-18 knots and the sun was shining…. Nice enough to entice 8 boats out, although some were a little tardy making it up to the committee boat, stationed in the vicinity of PSC buoy.

The course was set: BT(p) - SS(p) - BT(p) - SS(p) - PS(p) - SS(p) - PS(p) - SS(finish)

Despite some fiercely sharp starts during Cowes Week, everyone was a little line-shy this evening, with Z74 crossing the start line first at 9 seconds. They were closely followed by Z79 and Z78 all towards pin end, then Z70 had a lovely start nearer the committee boat in clear air. They were followed by Z54 and Z80 who both tacked shortly after crossing the start and headed in to the wall. Z68 and Z77 appeared to have a few issues towards the pin end and had to tack round to get across the start line. It made for good
viewing on the Committee boat.

There was a decided split in the fleet with half holding out to the left and half to the right. Just 9 minutes afrer the start Z74 was first around the windward mark, 60 seconds in the lead followed by Z54, Z78, Z80 then a couple of minutes later Z77, Z79, Z68, Z70. The majority of boats jibed around BT before hoisting, apart from Z70 who bravely hoisted first but then got into some difficulty which unfortunately took them away from the racing line.

Z79 overtook Z77 on the run down to SS but otherwise positions remained the same. Z74 rounded SS first and hardened up, heading towards the wall, tacking out when halfway there to put a loose cover on Z78 who had tacked on the mark. Z54 followed Z74’s line, all continuing out until roughly in line with KB, when Z74 tacked followed by Z54 and Z78. Z80 tacked back onto port earlier than the preceding trio and got ahead of Z 78 by the second rounding of BT. Z54 made good gains on Z74 on the second spinnaker leg but couldn’t catch her before the mark. Z74 rounded first, closely followed by Z54 , both continuing into the wall. Z80 tacked midway, Z78 tacked out on the mark Z77, Z68 following suit.

With the sun starting to dip towards the horizon the OOD decided to reposition Sapristi and shorten the course at the next rounding off SS (flag Foxtrot flying). The only positional change at PSC was Z70 overtaking Z68. No further changes before the finish, with the first boat finishing at 20:00

Final results: Z74, Z54, Z80, Z78, Z79, Z77, Z70, Z68.


Video of Start

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